
We have aimed to create sites that are available to everyone including those with sight, audio and motor impairment restrictions.

1. We aim to use a web font so all text is easy to read.
2. We have appropriate alt tags for images to convey information.
3. We ensure that navigation through our websites works in a consistent way.
4. We do not rely on just colour as the only way of giving information. 
5. We avoid the use of images of text wherever possible, and provide equivalent text links that consist of images.

Here are a few helpful ways in which you can start using the website more easily.


To enlarge text and images on the site

On a PC:

1. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '+' to enlarge.
2. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '-' to reduce.
3. To reset hold down 'Ctrl' and press '0'.

On an Apple Macintosh computer hold the 'Cmd' (Apple) key instead of 'Ctrl'.


Browser accessibility options

Each browser has different methods for font size, formatting, and screen colour options:

The BBC also has information on how to customise your computer, and your browser, to make them more accessible in their 'My web my way' section.


Search Tips

A search box appears at the top of each page. To get the best results follow these tips:

Use keywords - the search won't work well using natural language, keywords will find better results. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.

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