
ISO55001:2024 (Why, What and How)

Virtual - GoTo Webinar

Date & Time:
13 August 2024
09:00 - 10:00 BST


On 13 August join Martin Kerr who will share the context and brief history of how ISO 55001 evolved from the original 2014 version to the most recent release.

He will share insights into the various themes considered in the review and how the working group's guiding principles supported the delivery of ISO55001:2024. Martin will walk through the changes to 55001 and the thinking (and sometimes debate) that went into them. Over the three-year period, the 55001 working group addressed more than 1,000 individual comments from representatives worldwide.

This webinar is free to everyone but registration is required.

Martin Kerr

Managing Director, Structured Change

Martin Kerr was the convenor of ISO55001:2024 and was involved across the 550xx suite of standards recently released. By day, Martin is the managing director of Structured Change and Applying Asset Management in Australia. On the volunteer front, Martin is the Technical Director of the World Partners in Asset Management and a contributor to the GFMAM. Martin is also working in the background with the IAM, the Asset Management Council of Australia and INCOSE to test and strengthen the alignment between Asset Management and Systems Engineering

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