ISO 22371 - Community Resilience
In an increasingly complex and changing world, urban areas are becoming ever more dynamic and influential. Concurrently, as urban environments evolve and grow in complexity, so do the risks and challenges they face, such as those due to climate change, increased reliance on technology and global supply chains.
Urban areas that are more resilient can better realize their strategic ambitions, protect their critical resources, capitalize on investment, create and sustain opportunities for enterprise, and empower individuals, communities, institutions and businesses to not only survive, but to adapt and prosper.
With 68 % of the global population set to be urban dwelling by 2050, urban resilience is becoming ever more essential in meeting the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges that come with this level of growth. Urban resilience is the ability of any urban system, with its inhabitants, in a changing environment, to anticipate, prepare, respond to and absorb shocks, positively adapt and transform in the face of stress and uncertainty, while facilitating inclusive and sustainable development. This relies on the shared understanding and awareness of risks, ensuring prevention rather than cure and adopting a whole of society approach to resilience, where everyone plays their part.
This webinar will be on the topic of Urban Resilience, with a focus on the recently published International Standard (ISO 22371). Caroline will discuss the roadmap for developing urban resilience, the principles and how to apply the guidance – highlighting practical examples from her work in this area. Guy will then provide an overview of the suite of resilience standards that are under development.
Click here to view the presentation slides