Subject Specific Guidelines (SSG)

Subject Specific Guidelines

The Subject Specific Guidelines (SSGs) are part of a series of publications designed to expand and enrich asset management knowledge. These guidelines may be either sector-specific: rail, electricity distribution, facilities management or nuclear, or functional: asset information, risk management and decision support.

The published SSGs and those currently being developed cover the 40 subjects that comprise the asset management discipline summarized in Asset Management - an anatomy

The SSGs are a core element within the IAM asset management knowledge base. Each SSG document covers one or a group of subjects, with broader subjects meriting their own SSG, and closely related subjects being grouped together in one SSG. Those published are available in the online shop. 

Using the SSGs

The SSGs identify what should be considered when creating, maintaining and improving asset management capabilities in relation to that subject. Where appropriate SSGs also provide case study examples.  SSGs are produced by volunteers, including industry experts, academics and thought leaders, bringing expertise from different sectors and geographies.  They are peer-reviewed and support those on their individual and/or corporate journeys in developing their asset management maturity.   

Mapping the Existing SSGs Against the 10-box Model

The SSGs were originally developed around the IAM 6-box model and 39 subjects in version 3 of the Anatomy. Version 4 of our Anatomy uses our 10-box model with the IAM adopting this model across all levels of maturity. Existing IAM material will gradually be updated. This means the IAM 6-box model and 39 subjects will no longer be used in forthcoming IAM material. However, the SSGs developed around the IAM 6-box model and 39 subjects are still valid guidance.  The following table shows the mapping of the 40 subjects in the 10 capabilities and which existing SSGs should be used as guidance for these subjects. They are also listed below.

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Purpose and Context


Organizational Purpose and Context

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 2 September 2024
Planned Publication Date: 30 April 2025

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Stakeholder Management

Existing SSG: Stakeholder Engagement
Planned Review Date: 3 March 2025
Planned Publication Date: 15 August 2025

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Leadership and Governance


Asset Management Leadership

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 17 January 2025


Asset Management Policy

Existing SSG: Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plans
Planned Review Date: 4 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 May 2025

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Asset Management System

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 16 September 2024
Planned Publication Date: 15 May 2025

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Asset Management Assurance and Audit

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 16 December 2024

Technical Standards and Legislation

Existing SSG: Technical Standards & Legislation
Planned Review Date: 31 August 2026
Planned Publication Date: 12 February 2027

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Organization and People


Organizational Arrangements

Existing SSG: Organization, Structure and Culture
Planned Review Date: 17 March 2025
Planned Publication Date: 28 August 2025

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Organizational Culture

Existing SSG: Organization, Structure and Culture
Planned Review Date: 17 March 2025
Planned Publication Date: 28 August 2025

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Competence Management

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 17 December 2024

Organizational Change Management

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 30 September 2024
Planned Publication Date: 27 May 2025

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Strategy and Planning


Demand Analysis

Existing SSG: Demand Analysis
Planned Review Date: 2 Debruary 2026
Planned Publication Date: 17 July 2026

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Sustainable Development

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 18 December 2024

Asset Management Strategy and Objectives

Existing SSG: Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plans
Planned Review Date: 4 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 May 2025

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Existing SSG: Strategic Planning
Planned Review Date: 4 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 May 2025

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Asset Management Planning

Existing SSG: Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plans
Planned Review Date: 4 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 May 2025

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Existing SSG: Strategic Planning
Planned Review Date: 4 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 May 2025

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Shutdown and Outage Strategy and Planning

Existing SSG: Shutdown and Outages Strategy and Management
Planned Review Date: 7 October 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 March 2025

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Contingency Planning and Resilience Analysis

Existing SSG: Contingency Planning & Resilience Analysis
Planned Review Date: 1 June 2026
Planned Publication Date: 13 November 2026

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Resource Strategy and Management

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 19 February 2025

Supply Chain Management

Existing SSG: Procurement & Supply Chain Management
Planned Review Date: 23 December 2024
Planned Publication Date: 6 June 2025

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Life Cycle Value Realization

Existing SSG: Life Cycle Value Realization
Planned Review Date: 30 March 2026
Planned Publication Date: 11 September 2026

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Asset Costing and Valuation

Existing SSG: Asset Costing and Valuation
Planned Review Date: 6 July 2026
Planned Publication Date: 18 December 2026

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Asset Management Decision-making



Existing SSG: Capital Investment Operation and Maintenance Decision-Making
Planned Review Date: 9 September 2024
Planned Publication Date: 20 February 2025

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Life Cycle Delivery


Asset Creation and Acquisition

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 16 December 2024


Systems Engineering

Existing SSG: Systems Engineering
Planned Review Date: 28 September 2026
Planned Publication Date: 12 March 2027

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Integrated Reliability

Existing SSG: Reliability Engineering
Planned Review Date: 19 August 2024
Planned Publication Date: 6 February 2025

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Asset Operations

Existing SSG: Maintenance Delivery and Asset Operations
Planned Review Date: 4 May 2026
Planned Publication Date: 16 October 2026

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Maintenance Delivery

Existing SSG: Maintenance Delivery and Asset Operations
Planned Review Date: 4 May 2026
Planned Publication Date: 16 October 2026

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Incident Management and Response

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 21 October 2024

Asset Repurposing and Disposal

Existing SSG: Asset Decommissioning & Disposal
Planned Review Date: 11 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 24 April 2025

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Information Management


Asset Management Data and Information Strategy

Existing SSG: Asset Information, Strategy, Standards & Data Management
Planned Review Date: 25 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 31 May 2025

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Knowledge Management

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 14 October 2024
Planned Publication Date: 11 June 2025

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Asset Data and Information Standards

Existing SSG: Asset Information, Strategy, Standards & Data Management
Planned Review Date: 25 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 31 May 2025

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Asset Management Data and Information Management

Existing SSG: Asset Information, Strategy, Standards & Data Management
Planned Review Date: 25 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 31 May 2025

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Asset Management Data and Information Systems

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 30 December 2024

Configuration Management

Existing SSG: Configuration Management
Planned Review Date: 2 March 2026
Planned Publication Date: 14 August 2026

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Risk Management



Existing SSG: Risk Assessment & Management
Planned Review Date: 20 January 2025
Planned Publication Date: 4 July 2025

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Review and Continual Improvement



Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 4 December 2024


Continuous Improvement

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 11 November 2024
Planned Publication Date: 9 July 2025

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Management of Change

Existing SSG: In progress
Planned Start Date: In progress
Planned Publication Date: 2 October 2024


Value and Outcomes


Outcomes and Impacts

Existing SSG: To be developed
Planned Start Date: 26 August 2024
Planned Publication Date: 24 April 2025

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Development of the SSGs​

The above contains all relevant information about developing the SSGs. Some of the SSGs are marked as in progress. Others have dates when we plan to start a new SSG or review and revise an existing SSG. All SSGs have dates when we expect a new version will be available. ​

​This programme of work has been developed to prioritize new subjects and SSGs whose subjects have evolved since they were written. We have then scheduled a regular review and revision of existing SSGs.​

​Thank you to all the project teams who have worked on the development and production of the SSGs.

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Sponsor an SSG​

​Sponsorship opportunities are now available for the SSG projects. We offer your organization the opportunity to sponsor one or more digital SSG copies. Contact for more information.

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